Sunday, December 2, 2007

I want the WHOLE WORLD!

This is what I want for my birthday. Seriously, this is what you have to get me.

2. Other movies such as: Everything is Illuminated, Breathless, Science Of Sleep, Raging Bull, The Conversation, Rebel Without a Cause, Life is Beautiful, Shawshank Redemption, ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.
3. Kisses, and along with that, a boyfriend. and a boyfriend for my rat.
4. Kittens!
5. A tomagachi.
6. Thrift store everythings
7. Stuff for my new apartment (
8. New scriptures. . seriously, mine are falling apart.
9. Chipotle.
10. To get my shift covered at work.
11. A fedora.
12. Plaid.
13. Elliot.
14. Mars in SF.
15. Salt.
16. Mudd pie.
17. Nude pie.
18. A PONY!!!

and YOU. come play.

PS- Christmas Trees are more expensive this year. That tricky Jesus, always trying to make a buck!

1 comment:

Marissa N. Paolacci said...

1. got you covered on all bases
2. hopefully i we won't have to start wearing shirts when swimming
3. peas