Monday, January 25, 2010


i love/hate my roomate for making the most amazing cinnamon rolls in the whole world 2 DAYS IN A ROW!!!! and of course you can't eat just one let alone say no. i feel sick. this totally cancels out the carrots/oatmeal + blueberries i had today.


how do you know if something is a "blessing in disguise" or if things have taken a turn and now your life just sucks?


aftonjylare said...

all i know is that most questions like that don't get answered by anyone but me and you. like how we wrestle is who we are.

get it?

aftonjylare said...

but sometimes life just sucks a little too.

annnnd, then again, life at all is a blessing. a GIFT. so beggers can't be choosersss

and, God won't force us to learn anything. he expects us to take a hint.

he's so subtle sometimes.

he's so cool.